I love this wonderful garden report. This is from my friend's blog. You can certainly tell that one state down they are growing things much earlier than we are!
Garden Walk, April 2012
Out I went, into the blustery day. Quite a difference from
last time!
Starting at the house, the toad bed is getting a bit
overgrown with weeds, but most of them are edible, so when I get a chance and
the weather straightens out, I will be weeding it and eating it. Along the
ramp, the flowers I had planted last year do not look to have reseeded, but it
is still early, the Salvia may come back yet. Grandma Arlene’s Rose is about
four foot high already, and had buds at one point. They froze, although the
plant itself seems to be doing fine. The Hollyhocks and poppies I planted in
the former Geranium bed are slowly struggling to overcome the transplant shock,
while the new rose bush, Tammy’s Rose, is bravely growing taller after being
planted this spring.
The lilies under the window are totally grown, while the
Spirea is all leafed over. The Spirea, however, has many little black and
drooping clusters, from the cold and wind. Luckily, no flowers yet, hopefully
the weather will hold off.
The West flower bed along the house has not been planted, so
nothing there yet, but around the corner on the north side the Wild Geraniums, Solomons
Seal and the Spiderwort are all growing nicely.
Over by the gas tank, all the daffodils are done blooming
and are going to seed, but the Iris and Peonies are coming on strong. Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Grandma peony
is getting ready to bloom. It’s an old, single one, given to my Ojibwa five
times great grandmother by her new mother in law. Or at least, that is what my
great grandma told me when she gave it to me!
The snowball bush over by the garage is already covered with
light green snowballs, soon to start turning white. Around the corner, on the
back side, the Mother Wort, Mug Wort and False Dragons Head are all coming
along nicely. The Prairie Patch, however, has decided to go CRAZY with growth,
I have more plants than before in there, seems like every single seed that
dropped may have seeded. Anyone want some prairie plants? I have an
The ‘Jungle is growing rampantly, as expected. We will be
moving the path to the Fairy Shrine this summer, and then making another path
through the jungle, so lots planned for this area. In the meantime, the
Bleeding Hearts are blooming away, the dogwoods are filling with leaves, the
oft cut never killed blackberry vine is twining it’s way through everything,
the Butterfly bush is starting leaves, the Rose of Sharon is starting leaves
(yes, I know it is not yet May, tell that to the darn bush) and the ferns are a
good six inches already. The Swamp milkweed has not yet made an appearance, but
considering the weather, probably a good thing. The Siberian Iris are up, although
no buds. All the Grape Hyacinths are done blooming, and have just about disappeared
into the back ground.
At the herb beds, the Marsh Mallow is about an inch tall
now, still just waiting for the warmer weather, I think. The Echinacea, Joe Pye
and Wild Astor fill out that row, and they are all coming along about as well
as they should for this time of year.
The next row has also gone a bit crazy. The Lemon Balm has
totally overtaken the Spearmint, which I never thought possible. The only thing
it has not taken over is the Lemon Thyme. The two are filling that bed. Next is
the Lavender, which has gotten huge- I had an entire bouquet of blooms last
year, am looking forward to more this year. The next two beds are a compendium
of plants, including Surprise Lilies, Blanket Flowers, Asters, Yarrow and Creeping
Thyme. Next are the Anise Hyssop and Catnip, and finally the Oregano and
The following bed is the rhubarb, which I did have to cut
down this week because of frost (rhubarb will get poisonous if frosted, best to
cut it down, let it grow back up), and then the chives, along with the unbelievable
‘lasted through the winter’ parsley. Next is the horseradish, already flowering,
and last is the sage.
The Phoebe has already built her nest in the former
sandbox/now wood shed, and when I checked this morning already has eggs. The strawberry
bed is blooming, sadly, since we are supposed to get frost again this week.
Looks like I will probably be plucking blossoms off at some point. The garlic
is growing nicely, and both the old garden and new are ready and waiting for
The grape trellis is steel, which is good, because once
again the grapes are coming on strong. The raspberries, not so much. Still
haven’t decided what we are going to do with this, we both love raspberries,
but have not gotten more than a handful since moving it to this spot. Am
wondering if perhaps it is time to cut these down and actually go and (shudder)
buy some raspberry plants, rather than getting them from people I know…will
have to think long and hard on this one!
The little raspberry patch is growing, still too small to
have berries, and the Jeremy Rose is growing well.
The Apple trees, well, what can I say? IF the bees found the
blossoms, and IF the cold does not kill the little apples, and IF they stay
healthy, we just may have more apples than ever before. Pay attention, you who
come to the annual Apple Cider Making Weekend over Labor Day weekend.
The new Peach, Cherry and Apple trees all made it through
the winter in great shape. The Peach trees were covered in blossoms, but I
pulled off all but one on each one. They are just in their second year; do not
want to stress them just yet. Did have to leave one on each, though, just to
The Mums we transplanted, in full flower, to the west side
of the shed last year from Jeremy’s all made it through the winter and are
coming up. The Clematis on the East end, where we put the lattice panels, are about
two –three foot high and have flower buds, the comfrey on the east end is up
about 8 inches, and, believe it or not, the deer decimated Hostas from last
year have all come back, they are about four inches high. I am delighted, and
amazed, lol.
The Pear trees are half and half- one was full of blossoms,
looks great, the other had maybe two limbs of blossoms, the rest of the tree
has been killed by the Black Walnut next to it in the draw. Will probably cut
it down this year. The new lilac line (must think of a new name for these, they
are now about three years old) are growing well, as is my one burning bush at
the end. The Old Lilac line, which was in full flower before all the storms,
has about half their flowers now. The wind was so strong this past weekend it
blew a lot of the flowers off.
The dogwood/rose of Sharon/American Cranberry/lily line on
the south side of the property are almost all coming up, although once the
lilies bloom and I get them marked they will be moved to- they are maroon and
gold lilies, Stockton’s colors, so once marked will put one of each at the four
corners of the shed, house etc.
The birds are always here, the Phoebe is back, as I said, as
are the Robins and Tree Swallows. No barn swallows yet, no hummingbirds yet, no
Baltimore Orioles yet. I am concerned about the Barn Swallows; this will be the
first year with the shed and no barn, so am very worried we won’t get them
back. Oh, and no sigh of my little brown bats, but then again, no bat house
just yet, either. (Anyone know where I can find one, cheap??).
The cats, well, Mama, Tigger, Sonny, Junior, Scrappy, Ringo,
Duke and Princess are fine. Casper,
Missy, Zebby and Duchess, not so much. Mama is pretty much chasing away all my
girls, except for Princess who is 14 and ignores her. Missy, in fact, came over
to eat yesterday and she is skinny- this means somewhere across the road in the
timber is a litter of kittens. I hope. There is not a chance in heck I could
find them out there, so all I can do is offer up a prayer and keep trying to
find a home for Mama. Tweety is gone, crossing the road at the wrong time. I
buried her and her three unborn kittens over in the jungle, by the ferns she
loved so well.
Otherwise, we are all doing well here. I bought boards to
try and keep the meditation deck up dated, new garden fencing for around the
house bed, am redoing the mediation deck to represent more of a garden room so
have bricks, totes and other lovelies on the deck itself, waiting to be turned
into something wonderful. The pond has not yet been uncovered and set up, that
is waiting for warmer weather too.
There is a lot of weeding waiting to be done, but with the
warm weather in March a lot of trimming and weeding was done early, so that
will help when it finally decides to warm up and Sister wind decides to stop
singing quite so forcibly!
I hope you all have good things growing in your life, with
the things you have no control over, (like kittens in the timber) able to be
handed to those in control so you can continue with what you can handle. Many
Blessings on all!
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